Grow Group Questions-September 12th

September 9, 2021 9:14 PM

Announcements for your Group:

Remind your group about the Marriage Conference that is coming up on October 8-9. Early bird registration ends September 12th. This conference is not just for married couples, but also for engaged couples, dating couples who want to grow in their relationship, and singles who want to develop healthy, happy, fulfilling relationships. This would be a wonderful event to attend together as a Grow Group.

Conversation Starter/Questions (10 minutes)

  • For the Ice Breaker this week please go over the Grow Group Covenant with the group. 

Sermon Based Questions (15-20 minutes)

Read Matthew 28:18-20 and Read Luke 9:23-26, 57-62

As you read Jesus’ words in Matthew 28, how did the challenge that “this is not a missions verse” but a “discipleship command” resonate or cause tension for you? Why is it important to see the full discipleship command instead of just focusing on missions?

Pastor David shared 3 commands Jesus gave for what a discipleship lifestyle looks like:

  • Baptism (first conversion and then baptism as a result) (“ENGAGE”/Missions)
  • Teaching to LIVE/obey the Teachings of Jesus (“GROW”)
  • Learning to Follow Jesus as he is with us Daily (“GROW”)

Jesus was calling his disciples to be active in all three of these areas as a mark of Passionately Following Him Together. Are all three of these a part of your life as a follower/Disciple of Jesus? What keeps you from living all of these?

Pastor David shared with us the Discipleship Model of Jesus “By The Numbers”:

  • As we look to Jesus’ example of living in discipleship relationships, what did you think about Pastor David sharing the importance of seeing that all of his deeper relationships flowed from the same core community? How do you feel about our challenge to model it from Sunday Mornings to Grow Groups to going deeper through Transformation Groups?
  • Look up Philippians 4:9 - How does this seem to mirror the Model of Jesus?
  • What are the reasons we tend to avoid living out the deeper relational example of Jesus/Paul?
  • Do you believe you or I need this Lifestyle of Discipleship? Why do we need it?

Digging Deeper (20-25 minutes)

Think of the last two messages, for you what was the hardest thing to hear or hardest challenge to say “yes I need to change” to enter a passionate discipleship lifestyle?

How can we as a Grow Group better walk the “Discipleship Pathway” presented to us on Sunday? What is keeping us from living this being a part of our life and Grow Group?

Jesus closed his final words of the Great Commission by saying “Remember I am always with you”, reminding us he is here to lead us and help us do what he is calling us to. What is the first thing Jesus is individually or as a Grow Group asking you to do to be more “Passionate about Following Christ TOGETHER” (Emphasis on Together)?

Challenge and Prayer (10-15 minutes)

As a group, we have shared where we need to go. Let's spend time praying together for God to lead us this fall to begin to walk this Discipleship Pathway Lifestyle as a Group, to grow to Passionately Follow Christ TOGETHER.