Grow Group Questions - May 23, 2021 - Rise.Rebuild.Restore
Conversation Starter/Questions (10 minutes)
When you hear the word commitment, what are your first thoughts, what do you think it means to be committed?
Sermon Based Questions (15-20 minutes)
Read Nehemiah 8:1-8, 13
In verse 1, we see that the people wanted to hear the Word of God, think about where you are on the spectrum of wanting to hear the Word of God, 1 to 10.
Share with the group when you have been higher or lower on that spectrum. What caused that and what do you need to do now to be higher on the spectrum?
Read Hebrews 10:24-25: What are a few of your favorite memories from church? How has the house of God (the things that happen there) been uniquely special to you? What did you miss the most when you had to be away from the house of the Lord during COVID?
Look at Nehemiah 8:5-7. In these verses, we see people standing, bowing, lifting their hands and lying prostrate as worshipful responses to God and his Word. What is your comfort level personally in responding to God and his word in corporate worship like this? What keeps you from these type of expressions? How can we as a church stretch ourselves to follow their example more.
Digging Deeper (20-25 minutes)
Pastor Thad said that “Commitment is the key to Restoration” and listed Jesus, God’s Word and God’s House as the three key things the book of Nehemiah calls us to. Share with the group how a greater commitment to these things would impact your life and what keeps you from that greater commitment?
Last week and this week we have heard a call from Nehemiah to dedicate ourselves and commit to God’s Word and God’s House to follow God in this new season post COVID. Is it time to make a new commitment in your life to your church family, attendance (to services or Grow Group), membership or serving? What would that look like for a deeper commitment in your life?
Challenge and Prayer (10-15 minutes)
Each share something we feel God might be leading us to do to be more committed and dedicated to what we have talked about today and the biggest hinderance is (you might have already shared this). Pray for each other based on what you have shared. ( Commit to following up with how we are doing at this)
Also: If you have questions about church membership please contact