Grow Group Questions - March 17, 2024

March 15, 2024 9:47 AM
Are you a follower of Christ but have not yet been baptized? If so, please consider signing up to talk to a Pastor or ministry leader about it over the next few weeks. (Leaders, if you know of someone, please encourage them)
Icebreaker: Over what and with whom did you quarrel most when you were a kid?
Sermon Discussion - James 4:1-12
  • James starts with an emphasis on conflict among people in the church.
    • How do the desires in our hearts create wars in our relationships with others?
    • Why do we naturally want to blame others for the conflicts we have in our relationships? 
  • What do you think James means by calling the church "adulterous people"? Why does he accuse them of being friends with the world?
  • Reflect on the idea of bringing worldly desires and values into our faith. 
    • Can you identify areas in your life where you may be prioritizing worldly pursuits over God's will?
    • How do these things end up hurting our relationship with God? 
Going Deeper
  • Reflect on verses 7-10, which outline the process of repentance toward God
    • Which do you find the most natural to implement in your life? Why?
    • Which step do you find most challenging to embrace and why?"
  • What practical steps can you take to cultivate humility and avoid passing critical judgments on others?
    • Read 1 Corinthians 5:12-13. How can we still practice healthy judgment to help protect each other from sin?
    • Is there a specific person in your life who you could show more humility? 
Prayer Time
Use the last question as a prompt for prayer. We all have relationships that we need to approach with a humble heart. 
Reminder for next week: Read James 4:13-17