Grow Group Questions - June 9, 2024

June 6, 2024 1:57 PM
Talk about as a group participating in or volunteering at the Kids 5k Fun Run to help our Kids support the Bogota Orphanage. Follow the link to find out more or sign up.
Icebreaker:  What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?
Sermon Discussion - Read Matthew 13:1-23
  • Why do you think the disciples were disappointed with Jesus' use of parables? How does this relate to our expectations of how God's messages should be delivered?
  • Chase emphasized the power of the seed (God's word) rather than the sower (the person sharing it). How does this perspective affect your approach to sharing your faith with others?
  • The message emphasized scattering seed faithfully without being discouraged by visible results. Can you share a personal experience where you saw unexpected results from your faithful efforts?
Going Deeper 
  • How can the environment (good soil, church, community) impact the growth of the seed (Word of God) in someone's life?
  • Which of the four types of soil do you identify with the most in your current season of life? Why?
  • Why is it important to surround yourself with good soil (mature believers)? How can the community of faith support you in your spiritual growth?
Next Steps
  •  Reflect on the three unfruitful soils mentioned in the sermon notes. Have you experienced any of these in your spiritual journey? What steps can you take to move towards becoming good soil?
Prayer Time: 
Ask for confidence and boldness to proclaim the gospel, even when you cannot see the results.