Grow Group Questions - February 18, 2024

February 16, 2024 7:27 AM
Announcement:  (Please read as a group before discussion)
We are all guilty of falling into the deadly trap of favoritism, but it is much easier to point our fingers at others' partiality.  Our challenge to you this week is to answer the questions with a willingness to illuminate the favoritism pitfalls in your own life.
For what event would you want to buy the “best seats” for?
Sermon Discussion - James 2:1-13
  • Who are the people with "gold rings" for you?: (Examples: Rich? Powerful? Athletic? Popular?)
    • In the church?
    • In the world?
  • Who are "the poor"? (Examples: The uneducated? Those of another race? The divorced) 
    • In the church?
    • In the world?
  • What do you think you bring to the table that creates partiality within our church family?
Going Deeper
  • How does favoritism or “partiality” blaspheme the name of God, as James says in verse 7? 
    • Where do you think you might have done this to someone?
  • We were reminded that a person’s value is determined not by what they do, but by who they are, made in the image of God.”
    • How can you actively combat partiality (with those easy to embrace and those not so easy) in your own life and in our church?
  • James says, “Loving others as we love ourselves” is the reverse of favoritism.
    • What do you think it looks like to love others like this?
Since we are all guilty of showing favoritism, ask the Lord to give you eyes to see this week where favoritism is rearing its ugly head.
Reminder for next week: Read James 2:14-26