Grow Group Questions • October 31, 2021

October 29, 2021 10:57 AM


Have you filled out the Deacons Survey? Maybe ask the group to fill out the survey right now in the Group to offer help to love those in our body and surrounding area.
Deaconate Survey

Conversation Starter/Questions

Do you have a favorite memory of a ministry moment with an Elder or Deacon?

Sermon Based Questions

Have you ever thought of the Church as both an organism and an organization? How does that strike you, had you ever thought of church that way before?
Read Titus 1:5, 1 Peter 5:1-5
Trellis’ are vital for grapes to be healthy and grow, just as Elders are to the church. 
  • How do you believe God has designed the organization of Elders to help the organism of the church?
  • How did this week’s sermons create any new insight or appreciation for the position and role of Elder or Deacon? 
  • Does this make you more interested in knowing our Elders and affirming our Elders as an Elder vote occurs? Why?
Read 1 Timothy 3:1-13
What qualities (mentioned in the sermon) have you seen or experienced in your leadership at Bethany that impacted you? Share.
  • Above Reproach: Generally, a good example…That is a person that represents Christ and our church well. Is he a role model?
  • Hospitable: Approachable Is there an authentic warmness about this person that gives you a sense of peace in being in their presence?
  • Sober-minded: mindful and thoughtful-careful in judgment (balanced)
  • Able to teach: Willing to learn (Bible-Theology-Apologetics)
  • Home that is flourishing: Manage his household

Going Deeper

Read 1 Timothy 5:17-21, Hebrew 13:17, 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13
How should we model both submission and accountability to the Elder Board while also modeling and holding them accountable to their high calling Stromectol without prescription in grace and love? Are we guilty of making it hard for them?
Submission to leadership can be difficult and especially so, it seems, in the Church universally.
  •  How do you think that the American culture and the democratic republic state of voting for representatives have negatively impacted how we understand or practice submission in the church? 
  • How is God’s design different from a national government design?
  • How has it negatively impacted how we view the role of Elders Biblically in contrast to those that are elected government officials?
While the Elders are the Trellis for health and growth and the Deacons serve the church regarding unique needs, the Bible is packed with verses encouraging believers to active participation in the church (Priesthood of the believer).  
  • What should you as a believer be doing to support those who serve and what should you be doing as a believer during this time of transition

Challenge and Prayer

Person Reflection: How can you and your group come alongside the church during this transition as we seek God’s leading together? How can you help support the Elders, Pastors, and ministry leaders as they seek God during this season? - Spend time praying for these things.