Grow Group Questions • March 13, 2022

March 10, 2022 4:27 PM


  • We will have Baptisms Easter Sunday. Has everyone been obedient in Baptism in the group? We would love to help those that haven't taken that step! Have them contact the church office or Pastor David.
  • Challenge for the group to read over next week’s text which is
John 15: 1-18 a few times before next Sunday

Conversation Starter 

  • What about the word “affection” helps you understand the word “love”? What comes to mind with that word in general?

Sermon Discussion (Read John 14:15-31 to Start)

Key Statement This Week To Keep Coming Back To:
We can not genuinely obey Jesus until we affectionately love Jesus and we can do none of this without calling out to the Holy Spirit for help.
  • Pastor David said “The root is love and the fruit is obedience” 
    • What is needed to feed to the roots of love in our relationship with Jesus? How are your affections for Jesus stirred? 
    • What are things you do well to feed the roots before you try to live out the fruit in obedience?
    • What could you add to help in the feeding of the roots?
  • Why does starting with genuine love and affections for Jesus(and others) over starting with actions seem difficult  for most of us?
  • Jesus said in verse 16-17 that he will send us the Holy Spirit, just for us as his Bride/church.
    • Why is running to the Holy Spirit hard for people/you?
    • What does it look like to recognize and utilize the Holy Spirit as The Helper, The Counselor, The Advocate  and The Teacher in your lives?

Going Deeper/Application

  • Think back to when you first came to the Lord, the excitement and drive you felt. Have you lost your first love? Why or why not?
  • Read Galatians 5:16-18 (Check out 19-25 to as you discuss more)
    • How does this speak to what it means to rely on the Holy Spirit?
    • What is the tie in to “loving Jesus” and “walking in the Spirit”?

Final Challenge

  • Come back to the Key Statement:
We can not genuinely obey Jesus until we affectionately love Jesus and we can do none of this without calling out to the Holy Spirit for help.
  • What would you want to ask the Holy Spirit's to do to help you love Jesus more? (Notice this is not asking the Holy Spirit to help you obey a command more)

Prayer Time

Consider: Instead of taking prayer requests, spend timing praying for each other based on what is shared in the “Final Challenge” (Either as a whole or after breaking up into genders)