Grow Group Questions • February 6, 2022
February 4, 2022 12:31 PM
- Please remind your Grow Group to take the Congregational Survey this week.
Conversation Starter
- What is the most loving thing someone can do for you? What communicates love to you the most?
Sermon Discussion: Read John 11 as a reminder of the story
- The message challenged us to reflect if our faith is grounded more in “Who” Jesus is or in “What” Jesus does.
- How would you describe “Who” Jesus is?
- What do you think the difference is between faith in “What” Jesus does versus “Who” Jesus is?
- Read John 11:25-26
- How do these verses speak to these tensions we just discussed?
- Why do you think John opens up this story making sure we understand the relationship Jesus had with his friends, Lazarus, Mary, and Martha? (Verses 1-5)
- What does this tell us about Jesus?
- Pastor David talked about the struggle with hearing Jesus choosing to wait to go visit his friend who is sick. Look also at what he said in verse 15 (I am Glad).
- What do you think of Jesus doing and saying something like that?
- Is that how you think of Jesus? Why or why not?
- Do you think it was loving? Why or why not?
- Do you have an example of when has God done something like that in your life?
- What do you think of Jesus doing and saying something like that?
Going Deeper/Application:
- Pastor David said that “Often Our Humanity Keeps us from Seeing Jesus’ divinity”
- How have you seen that in your own life
- Look at John 11:4:
- Is “For God’s Glory” enough to have peace in any situation? Why or why not?
- How does trusting in “WHO God is” help us have peace when we don't know why things are happening?
- How have you seen this help in your own life? Or what keeps you from this kind of peace and trust?
- Read Verse 33-37
- Why do you think Jesus felt the way he did in verses 33 and 38?
- What do these verses tell us about Jesus and how he relates to us?
Final Challenge:
- What area in your lIfe, right now, is God calling you to trust in “Who” Jesus is instead of knowing what he will do?