Grow Group Questions - December 4, 2022

December 1, 2022 4:25 PM
This week just give a friendly reminder for all to get their registered gifts back to church by December 11th.
  • What is the best practical joke someone has played on you? How did you try to repay them in kind?
Sermon & Scripture Discussion -Romans 12:9-21
  • Verse 9 says “let love be genuine” – literally, “unhypocritical” or “not play-acted or pretend.”
    • What is the difference between genuine and “play-acted” love?
    • How have you experienced genuine love? Give an example.
    • How have you experienced the converse of genuine love? Give an example
  • Why do you believe love is so important to bringing peace into situations?
  • Steve challenged us to be active in regard to peace and value what God values
    • Of the commands in verses 9-21 which two are the easiest for you to keep? Which two are the most difficult?
Going Deeper - Romans 12:9-21
  • Steve said Shalom-carrying love recognizes people’s process.
    • Can you think of a time knowing someone’s life content changed your behavior towards someone in a positive way? Please share
  • Steve said shalom-carrying love chooses not to live in the past.
    • How do we balance not living in the past and yet not ignoring abusive situations, trauma or putting ourselves in dangerous situations?
    • What do you think of the statement: ”many stressful situations could be fixed if we refused to let past wounds intrude?”
  • Where are the places in your holiday schedule where shalom might be hard to come by?
  • What does a lack of shalom look like in your life?
Prayer Time: (Focused Prayer time as a group!)
How is God asking you to set yourself aside for the sake of shalom this year? Use this as your prayer prompt.