Grow Group Questions - April 9, 2023
April 6, 2023 4:19 PM
Pray for each other based on the “going deeper” discussion
- Neighbor’s Day is April 22nd. This is a call to the entire church to come and serve together. Please discuss signing up together as a group. Follow this link (Click Here) to sign up.
- What is your favorite thing about Easter?
- Pastor Steve challenged us to ask the question if we are living like it is Saturday.
- What does that mean?
- Do you agree with that thought? Why/Why not?
- How have you claimed the resurrection power that is yours through Jesus Christ?
- How have you laid down distractions to connect with the Savior?
- In what ways are you struggling to live the benefits of Easter Sunday?
- What areas in your life have you standing “outside the tomb weeping?”
- What is holding you back in your life from experiencing the full benefits in your life today?
- If you were to incorporate the challenge to “live like it is Sunday” into your own life, how would the next week be different?
Pray for each other based on the “going deeper” discussion