Grow Group Questions - April 2, 2023

March 30, 2023 4:52 PM
Church Podcast - Follow this LINK to help you get ready for or as a follow up to group. Announcement:  
  • SAVE THE DATE  - We will be having a Good Friday service at 6pm on April 7th. Children will have a separate program with Miss Lisa. 
  • Who in your life do you think you know the best and why do you think you know them that well?
Sermon & Scripture Discussion - Read 1 John 2:3-6
  • John said “this is how you know that you know Him…”. What does it mean to “know” God?
  • Read John 14:15, 21, 23. 
How does the order in which Jesus spoke about love and obedience impact how we interact with 1 John 1:3. 
How does that guide and impact our daily relationship with God?
  • How can we grow our love and affections for God in order to help us walk in obedience with Him? Share things you do in your relationship with God.
  • In light of these verses, what counsel would you give to someone who says “it doesn’t matter how I live since God will forgive me anyway?” 
Going Deeper - 1 John 2:7-11   
  • Also, read Matthew 22:36-40. How does what Jesus communicates in this passage affirm and inform how we are to read our verses from 1 John this week?
  • Why do you think God makes a link between darkness and lack of love for others in these verses? How does this impact our daily living in relationship with Jesus?
  • How does our lack of love for others “blind us” and keep us in darkness?
  • In light of the message this week, is there an area of your relationship with God or someone else that God is asking you to take steps to grow or restore? How can we pray for you in that?
Prayer  - Focus your prayer on this question. Pray for each other, maybe in a circle or in separate gender groups based on how each person answered the last question.