Grow Group Questions - 7-11-2021 - Life According to Jesus

July 8, 2021 9:41 PM
Conversation Starter/Questions (10 minutes)
How would your non-christian friends react if you asked them to define the word ‘judge’?
Sermon Based Questions (15-20 minutes)
Read Matthew 5:5 - Discuss the meaning of meekness or humility or gentleness both in this scripture and in the world in which we life. How do you think that all three of these work together? What is the opposite of meekness or humility?
Read Psalm 37:10-11 and Philippians 2:5-11 - Discuss the similarities between these scriptures and this Beatitude. What promises were given to believers and what promises were given to Jesus?
Digging Deeper (20-25 minutes)
Read Matthew 7:1-6 - How have you seen vs. 1 misused both in the church and outside the church? 
Read John 7:24; James 5:19-20; Galatians 6:1-2; Matthew 7:15-20; 1 Corinthians 5:12-13 - How do these verses challenge how these verses are often misused?
Discuss the relationship between meekness / humility and the judgement that Jesus taught in these scriptures. What is the difference between the type of judgement that Jesus forbids (vs 1-4) and the judgement / discernment he requires (vs 5). 
What does is look like to condemn someone vs the type of judgement that Jesus is teaching us.
Definition of Condemn:  This is where you determine the value of the person by what they do. Consider them less than yourself (opposite of humility) and you have no desire to help or restore, but only to punish. 
Definition of Judging: “To sift out and analyze evidence. To distinguish or discern between good and evil, right and wrong, without necessarily passing an adverse sentence, or bringing condemnation directly on the person.” 
In the context of humility, these verses teach us to point out sin in our brothers and sisters. How easy is it for you to actually do this? Can you think of an example? Why is this not happening within the circle of christians that you are part of?
Challenge and Prayer (10-15 minutes)
How can you create a place in your Grow Group to live out Jesus’ commands to help each other remove the planks in our own eyes? Let’s pray for God to remove the barriers that keep us from this.