Grow Group Questions - January 19, 2025

January 17, 2025 4:25 PM
Grow Group Questions - January 19, 2025

Announcement: Feb 1st is the “No Regrets Men’s Conference”. Men discuss going together and create a plan to meet up and sit together. Register here: 

Icebreaker:   If you were an object that gives light (like a flashlight, lighthouse, or campfire), what would you be and why?

Sermon Discussion:  Read John 17:1-8

  • In verse 1, Jesus prays, “Glorify your Son so that the Son may glorify you.” How would you describe what it means to “glorify” in your own words?
  • How does the definition of "glory" as the external manifestation of God’s nature challenge or expand your understanding of God’s holiness and majesty?
  • In verse 3, Jesus defines eternal life as knowing “the only true God, and the one you have sent—Jesus Christ.” How does this differ from common assumptions about eternal life?
  • Why is a personal relationship with Jesus essential for eternal life? How would you explain this to someone who believes "being a good person" is enough? 

    Going Deeper :

    • How does Jesus’ death glorify God, even though it seemed like a place of shame and defeat?
    • How does this idea challenge the way we think about suffering or sacrifice in our lives?
    • Knowing the cross was an instrument of suffering, Jesus prayed for it to glorify God. How can God transform moments of pain or loss in your life into opportunities for his glory? 

    Next Steps:

  • When Jesus prayed for glory, his ultimate purpose was to honor the Father. How can you make honoring God the focus of your prayers, choices, and actions this week?